Caregiver Tips Dealing With Alzheimer's

It will not be easy watching your loved one go through the changes of Alzheimer's. You will have to structure your life around caregiving issues. If you do not have any medical background, there are agencies and senior centers that offer caregiver classes. I have found some tips that work and can ease some of the caregiving burden.

Safety Rails For Beds

* Remember to take each day at a time.

Safety Rails For Beds

Just because one day turned out bad, doesn't mean the next day will be the same. Chances are the individual with the disease will not remember a troublesome day. I have found that during the full moon cycle, behaviors worsen.

* Start a routine.

Set a pattern and the individual will get used to it such as toileting every two hours, a certain time for rising and going to bed, etc.

* Safety issues.

A person with dementia can not see the color white. Most bathrooms are white. It's not surprising to see a person with Alzheimer's or dementia appear confused in the bathroom. Invest in a colored tub and toilet if you can afford it. If not, consider a colored toilet seat cover. Think out of the box. Try stickers or painting a stripe across the rim of the tub. If getting to the bathroom on time is an issue, invest in a bedside commode.

Install hand rails. As people get older they develop visual problems and misjudge distance which can result in falls. Having a sturdy handrail gives them a measure of security.

Place a mat near the bed at night or non-stick strips on the floor. It may save an injury down the line.

* Wandering.

If your family member tends to wander, invest in a latch lock and an alarm above the door. Another option is to hang a set of bells or chimes near the door to alert you. Inform your neighbors and the local police department of your wanderer in case the individual slips by you. Keep an updated photograph of the person around. An identification bracelet only works if the person keeps it on.Resist restraining the person, but gently redirect them from the door.

* Aggressive behavior.

Stay calm if your family member becomes verbally or physically abusive. Let them know you will not tolerate this behavior. Allow them to escape to the safety of their room. This usually helps them calm down.

Try to find the reason they are acting this way. Perhaps they are in pain but can not verbalize it. Are they rubbing their hands or some joint? A warm blanket or towel may feel comforting. The person may be over stimulated by loud noises or an overactive environment. Turn off the TV and turn on some soft tunes. Is it getting dark in the room? They may not see well and strike out. Turn up the lights.

Keep your hands out where they can be seen. If you keep your hands behind you, they'll wonder what you're up to. Expect struggles. Alzheimer's may change the individual's personality completely from the norm. They may do things that do not make any sense. A rocking chair can ease some tension. Keep the individual motivated by simple exercises or going for a walk. You'll be amazed how a walk will relieve that tension.

* Entertainment.

As the disease progresses, the person with Alzheimer's will not be able to read well. A page filled with words will be frustrating to them. I have found they like to be read to. How about getting your youngster involved by reading to their grandparent with the disease? A teenager could help their grandparent write a letter to a friend. I have noticed that narrative TV shows and movies are easier for the person with Alzheimer's to follow. Disney, Animal Planet, and the History channel are a few good ones.

* Legal services.

Legal planning should begin while the person with Alzheimer's is in the early stages of the disease. You need to find out the information before they can no longer remember it. Do they have funeral arrangements? Alzheimer's is a fatal disease. Do they want CPR should an emergency happen? Do they have a will? Do they want a tube feeding or IV if called for in a hospital or nursing home situation? Do they have a power of attorney? If not, they should assign someone. In order to pay their bills, talk to their creditors, get their taxes done, or sell their home- a power of attorney has to handle it. The power of attorney should get a joint checking account with the individual to make things easier to handle.

* Take time out for yourself.

Have a friend or family member take turns caring for the person with Alzheimer's. If you don't have anyone available, consider hiring a part time companion or caregiver. Another option is an adult daycare or senior center to relieve you for an hour or so. Don't try to be a martyr and do all the care without a break. It will wear you down and in the end you will feel resentment or get sick yourself. Go for a walk, take a nap, read a book- anything to give yourself some me time.

Alzheimer's can be frustrating to the person with the disease as well as the family. Alzheimer's is not a normal part of aging. This disease worsens as it progresses.

Caregiver Tips Dealing With Alzheimer's
Safety Rails For Beds

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