Dog owners choose to buy dog ramps for many reasons. When a dog begins to get older it may begin to lose its mobility and need a ramp to get onto the sofa or a favorite chair. A dog after surgery may need a ramp while it is recovering. Tiny dog breeds unable to jump high enough need a ramp to get to where they want to be- your bed for instance! People also may buy a ramp for their young puppies in order to protect their joints and hips from the excessive impact when jumping down from high chairs, beds or from vehicles.
Before shopping for one you its smart to think about a number of factors. First: how portable do you want this ramp? If you are planning on moving your ramp from one location to another frequently, using in the house and then for the car, you will need to consider the dog ramps size and weight. A big heavy ramp would not be an appropriate if you need it to be portable. Some products telescope, roll, or fold into smaller sizes when not in use. However, you would not need a ramp with those extra costly features if you intend to keep the ramp in only one place and not move it.
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Second: dog ramps come in a variety of treads. Some ramps get slippery during snow or rain. Carpeted ramps are better for traction but retain odors and are harder to clean. Dog ramps with a corrugated plastic tread are durable and easy to clean.
Third: there are ramps designed specifically for older dogs offering smaller degrees of incline, but extending over a longer distance to make it easier for the animal to climb up. Ramps with side rails are especially good for older dogs where deteriorating eyesight makes them more apprehensive about climbing on any structure. For a medium or small size dog recovering from surgery that needs a temporary ramp, less expensive ones may be the smart choice. However if your pet is a larger breed, consider a sturdier more stable dog ramp.
Fourth: remember that dog ramps are not just for the geriatric or injured dog. You can start using a ramp early in your pet's life to delay or even prevent age related joint health issues.
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